Oh Music Man. Anyone who has an appreciation for music needs to meet Music Man. He is one of the most open people I have met in a really long time. A group of us arrived at his home and within seconds of us being there he invited us in to take a look around. This guy will just blow you away, I think he must own a hundred stereos. He lives in the country so he can blast his rock music as loud as he wants and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have it any other way! He constantly told us we are all one big family as he shared with us some of his perspectives on good and evil. Look him up, write him a letter, send him some music. I can promise you he will change you in one form or another. {Bogan is a treasure too, but this post is for Music Man!}
G is for Gospel. At G'S Flowers you can get all the gospel supplies you need, plus flowers too! I have yet to go to a gospel church but I am seriously dying to! A lady I met today while doing laundry told me just to walk into any of the numerous churches around Greendboro...she said they all have singing!
Creepy Chatty Cathy. Downtwn Greensboro is full of empty shops. It seems as if every store front has a random artifact waiting to be questioned by a curious bypasser. This particular store front has a life sized puppet of a granny on a rotary phone! Others include a yellow flapper dress and my favorite so far in a lone handcarved rocking horse.
Trenesa. I met Trenesa on my way to Flava one morning. {the local breakfast joint} I was walking past the bench she was sitting on and before I knew it she had slid her pocket book out of the way and I was sitting next to her taking about how much she loved to bake, take care of her mother, and interior decorating. This is just one of the many conversations I have had that proves Music Man's motto "we are all one big family". I really gravitate to the openeness of the people here. It makes me feel so happy to be able to have genuine conversations with people whom I have never met. One thing that Trenesa told me that I can't seem to stop thinking about is: "I don't believe I can't make it and take care of myself. It's just a matter of time." To me time can mean so many things. For now, time means understanding the responsibility and role I have chosen as a designer that truly does care about the other 90%.
Motor Oil. All I have to say is taxidermy, barbque, and gasoline.
Charlotte, I am ecstatic that you are experiencing rural Alabama in all its physics.
I wish you the best of luck with project M and look forward to the work y'all will do.
Stay cool. HAHA. Alabama in summer, HA.
How do you suppose we contact this music man you speak of?
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